Apr 16, 2020

WFH : Day 28

Two more days to go, it will be officially one month staying alone at home. 

At the beginning, I really don't know what to do at home. I have get used to the daily routine of go to the office and work. Go to badminton twice a week to avoid traffic back home. Go to hiking once a month. Return to hometown once a month. Go to shopping on the rest of the weekend.

2019 has been a contented year, with the three-months once half marathon, travels within Malaysia and internationally, work, weekly sports activities and lastly moving to a new house. It has been a good year staying with ex-owner also, all the laughter, memories and care from her. I will become more and more lazy staying with her as she has been doing most of the cleaning at home. 

So what I did this month WFH? 

WFH, so it is still one week 40-hours of work required Mon to Fri. 

Possibly eating too much snacks over this period. 

I actually spend min time to cook my food and thanks for the microwave at home, I can still reheat it like I used to be at work. 

Over the weekend, it will be one of the morning for groceries shopping. 

For the past few weeks, I was just enjoying the home alone with the unlimited and high speed internet watching shows. Got a new idol recently, Hua Chenyu, a Chinese singer who is the same age as me. 

Now I see another person who is always quiet but full of power when perform on stage. Amazed by the ability of modify songs as well as as the wide tones that he can sings. 

Another one that I salute is Yan RuJing from QiPa Shuo. Another introvert that is very talented. She has got autistic but she found the savior of it, she started to be into debate and found back her confidence in talking to people. 

So, here is me, another introvert in the house, opening the shows : 《王牌对王牌》, 《饭局的诱惑》,《饭局狼人杀》。

Looking at them, I think they are more "Ice Bear" than myself. I have been called as "Ice Bear" among my colleague since Thong found that I am similar to the cartoon characters due to the non facial expressions. 

Well this is the first update to my blog during this Working from Home period. 

Hope that everyone I know are safe and survived from this Covid-19. 


 好久不见! 这部落格算是我卡在中国完全没有开到的网页。 2022 年过得真的很奇幻。三月份我离开了马来西亚出了一个国。 没想到在厦门 光是隔离酒店就待了28天 ,由于上海疫情,一共在厦门待了三个月,自由行去了一趟鼓浪屿,吃了三个月的酒店早餐,深度游了厦门岛。虽然如此,本来想说打...