May 7, 2017

Mar 2017 Kiwi Berries Grading

Mar, I have got my second job as a grader in a pack house and coolstores, named Seeka.

I have been travel from the south island, come back to north island, here in Te Puke, I get to know a few new fruits only when I am in New Zealand: Kiwi Berries, Feijoa and Horned Melon.

Let's talk about Kiwi Berries.

I was lucky to get the job before Kiwi fruit main season thanks to this fruit.

I have faith with it, when I first hear it was at the bus stop at Cromwell, a Malaysian girl told me about her friend in Te Puke, talked about kiwi berries season will be starting soon. Then, when I came to here, my housemates mentioned it again and we asked about the job availability when we submitted form for Seeka.

There was a fierce Kiwi on the desk, but soon after introduced, she has become very helpful and nice to us. Due to day shift have been filled up, we accepted the offer to work night shift. There goes my healthy habits of sleeping before 12 am since 2013.

Not much people know about kiwi berries, I thought it was a new species of kiwi developed in this kiwi land. But Wikipedia results show that it is native to Japan, Korea, Northern China and Russia.

Well, it maybe similar to kiwi fruits, which the seeds were brought from Northern China. Source:

in short and brief description on its appearance: it look like berries, but inside look like kiwi. You can eat it like a berry, with the skin.

it is quite an expensive fruit to me, picture above is about a box of it, price at NZD$3.99.

It was a short season, starting at early Mar and last about a month.

The process of packing kiwi berries is similar to the cherry pack house that I have work before, but cherry pack house I worked before is using more machine sorting and grading:

1. Fresh fruits will be kept in the cool room upon arrival at the pack house
2. Washing with clear water to remove the soil and dusts
3. Sorting according to size of the fruits: here we have got XL and normal size
4. Grading by human: surface blemishes will be taken out to the local line, if there is too much blemishes, or if any sooty mould/ soft fruit/ miss-shaped, then it will be into the dustbin
5. Weighing to enter a container: it was about 140 g per box which is ~ 10 fruits
6. Packing and Labelling before entering a box

My job as a grader is pretty simple and boring, what make it fun, is the people that I met in the pack house,
Nishi and Jessie, my current and ex housemates, that we will be playing phones together during smoko.
Bella, a local Māori who stands next to me when doing grading, sharing a lot to me, as a Māori, as a mother and as a citizen, she travel almost 2 hours to work on a daily basis during the main season.
Naomi, our line manager for the kiwi berries night shift.
Audrey, a Malaysian, NZ PR that came to NZ about 15- 20 years.
Chloe and Felix, Malaysian WHers, who drives Nisha and myself to work.
Anita, Puva and etc local Māori that are mostly nice and friendly.

They make me decided to stay in this pack house for the main season and working night shift. But only left me alone as the others decided to go for morning shifts.

Well, let the story continues with one people working later.



 好久不见! 这部落格算是我卡在中国完全没有开到的网页。 2022 年过得真的很奇幻。三月份我离开了马来西亚出了一个国。 没想到在厦门 光是隔离酒店就待了28天 ,由于上海疫情,一共在厦门待了三个月,自由行去了一趟鼓浪屿,吃了三个月的酒店早餐,深度游了厦门岛。虽然如此,本来想说打...