Jun 23, 2016

Movie : Me before You

Forgotten to update about this movie that I recently watch it, hmm, alone.

A totally worthwhile to be a "me" time movie. One that you don't want any distractions from your friends and you feel bad to stop people talking to you.

Me Before You, a love story? A love story but full with rational thoughts. A girl living in her own world with all the love from the family and boyfriend.

She meet the guy, which was once the most arrogant guy with everything in his control.

The guy is smart, smarter than anyone else. How much you love one and you will let your love one growth as much as she could?

It links back to all the men I met, first and foremost my lovely daddy that let me travel as far as I could as long as I spend my own money. Without him, I maybe really the same girl 10 years ago, study in the hometown , working and settle down the whole life in the same place.

Not that it is not a good life, but I really appreciate that I am given all the opportunity and freedom, from working part time at Genting Highlands, study in Penang, exchange to Chiang Rai, Thailand, visit to other places around the world, and even accept me not working at the hometown as long as I can manage to survive on my own.

I am starting to imagine myself as the girl in the movie, only that I haven't get to find a partner like that, well, I once thought I really working hard to archive something in order for me to be eligible to be one's partner.

What is not wasted, it is always good that you are trying to improve yourself, even though he ends up not the person in life you have proven yourself tried your best with no regrets, you will be ready for the most suitable one in life. Who is that, no one knows, it maybe ended by you alone, when time comes, you will be ready for it, because you chose the path you want to walk. But even you walk alone, you are only to be more confident because of the path you have walk through, that is the only promise that I have keep to myself.

Keep life simple, focus on what you want to do, since you cannot control other factor in life. One day, you will shine, the way you should be. Good luck my girl, the little one inside my heart.

Somewhere deep inside my heart, I do hope that you are my one and only.
Cheers, to the special friendship that we have. And congrats to the new journey starting soon. All the best!

June : Sister Wedding, Farewell, Next Steps

It is June going towards the end very soon, 2016 come half its way and yet a lot of things still pending. Well, as usual, the turtle use its own pace to finish the race. This month, most of the time was on travel, seems like work has been left aside and more to settle.

This month starting from sent mum back to Melaka from Johor during the long weekend. At the same time, meet up with my lovely sister, Sue Anne at Melaka. I hope she did enjoy the day trip, eating Pork Rib Noodle, Cendol, Popiah, Chicken Rice, Durian Puff, and also walking along the Jonker Street although in the morning - I prefer morning as it will be less crowded and more freedom to walk around. Fully utilize the one day and a half.
Debera appointed must eat popiah 
because of the crispy, crunchy pork lark 

Then, it is the long awaited my third sister Jiao Mei's wedding. I really salute her to settle everything on her own. Two weekend, one at Melaka hometown, one at the her husband's hometown at Sungai Siput, Perak. So end up I did not help anything, just go shopping and buy new dress and get ready to take photo.

Thanks to my second sister for the makeup @Luyeyen, Melaka, 11th Jun 2016 ,

And first time in my life to be the bride's sisters @ Sg Siput, Perak, 18th Jun 2016

I also get to eat the famous dimsum at Fushan and lim kopi at Ipoh, Perak.

After that, continue the journey to the north to Penang and join a gathering with my USM Food Technology juniors for a badminton session and dinner arranged by my super junior, Yahouy, the two batch younger than me, and finished her degree very soon. Happy for her that she has got a job confirmed right after graduate.

The old man cannot beat the young one, 
and what is the most change here is the new badminton court!!

After that bath and go for dinner, 
I talk more than I eat. LOL.
Time to learn back to listen... 

Take another day off due to the flight ticket price, spend half a day back USM again to meet up and catch up with my lovely lecturer, Dr Syahariza and Dr Cheng, happened to meet Dr Fazilah as well. Miss the school and teachers so much! But what Dr say is hitting straight to the point also, after 2 years in the food industry, the knowledge that you gain is much more than what you learn in school already and it is more up to day to the current need. Hmm, whether is a right choice to start working first, anyway the time cannot turn back.

After had all the meet up sessions, it is time to face the reality again, I am really lucky to have such a considerate boss, it is hard not to take the offer. So, it is time to plan everything out for my long vacation and then ready to come back again.

Next week, it is going to be another 3 days off from work for training, then ready for July coming and it is another holiday for Raya. I haven't get to go to any plaza Ramadan yet! Next week, a must!


 好久不见! 这部落格算是我卡在中国完全没有开到的网页。 2022 年过得真的很奇幻。三月份我离开了马来西亚出了一个国。 没想到在厦门 光是隔离酒店就待了28天 ,由于上海疫情,一共在厦门待了三个月,自由行去了一趟鼓浪屿,吃了三个月的酒店早餐,深度游了厦门岛。虽然如此,本来想说打...