Mar 7, 2016

Malaysia Woman Marathon

Recently I feel like I am in love again, with all the connections in life.

Had a bad nightmare last year, you thought you will be defeated when it happened. Cried for a few days and when sometime you think of it again, the tears again come down. What make us still standing upright is the power of love.

Life has trained me to be always feel in love when you have all your friend (whom are mostly still single and well don't need to tell me that they might be no longer single anytime soon) still around.


 好久不见! 这部落格算是我卡在中国完全没有开到的网页。 2022 年过得真的很奇幻。三月份我离开了马来西亚出了一个国。 没想到在厦门 光是隔离酒店就待了28天 ,由于上海疫情,一共在厦门待了三个月,自由行去了一趟鼓浪屿,吃了三个月的酒店早餐,深度游了厦门岛。虽然如此,本来想说打...